Loopgraafmortier Duits model H20 (Leichter Minenwerfer n/A) kaliber 7,58 cm met getrokken loop, op grondplaat met radaffuit semiotext(e) foreign agents series Terror from the air / Peter Sloterdijk ; transl. by Amy Patton and Steve Corcoran comparative study of world war casualties : from gas and other weapons / prep. by Harry L. Gilchrist Chemical soldiers : british gas warfare in World War I / Donald Richter modernen Kriegsmethoden und der Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung : Dokumente der Internationalen Konferenz in Frankfurt a. M., am 4., 5. und 6. Januar 1929 / [bearb. … Gas : carry this card with you at all times and read it frequently