A Treatise Of Artillery: Containing I. General Contructions of Brass and Iron Guns used by Sea and Land, and their Carriages. II. General Contructions of … Appendix, Or, Supplement To The Treatise of Artillery: Containing The true Projectile described by Bodies in the Air. The greatest Velocity and Resistance they can … The Dutch Expedition vindicated; With Brief Observations On The Emigrants. To Which Is Added, A Postscript, Containing The Supplement To The Account Of The Armistice … Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington : 2 journals and correspondence of General Sir Harry Calvert, bart., adjutant-general of the forces under H.R.H. the duke of York, comprising the campaigns in Flanders and … dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G. : during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France. From … Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington : 3 Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington : 1 Duke of Wellington : a pictorial survey of his life (1769-1852) / by Victor Percival dispatches of field marshal the Duke of Wellington, during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries and France, from 1799 to … Supplementary despatches and memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Wellington, K.G : India. 1797-1805 / ed. by his son, the Duke of Wellington everyman's library life of Arthur Duke of Wellington / G.R. Gleig