A Treatise Of Artillery: Containing I. General Contructions of Brass and Iron Guns used by Sea and Land, and their Carriages. II. General Contructions of … Appendix, Or, Supplement To The Treatise of Artillery: Containing The true Projectile described by Bodies in the Air. The greatest Velocity and Resistance they can … The Dutch Expedition vindicated; With Brief Observations On The Emigrants. To Which Is Added, A Postscript, Containing The Supplement To The Account Of The Armistice … Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington : 2 dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G. : during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France. From … journals and correspondence of General Sir Harry Calvert, bart., adjutant-general of the forces under H.R.H. the duke of York, comprising the campaigns in Flanders and … Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington : 3 Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington : 1 everyman's library life of Arthur Duke of Wellington / G.R. Gleig Life of field-marshal his grace the Duke of Wellington dispatches of field marshal the Duke of Wellington, during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries and France, from 1799 to … Supplementary despatches and memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Wellington, K.G : India. 1797-1805 / ed. by his son, the Duke of Wellington