Linktrainer instructor manual by Charles A. Zwang TD-42 CF104 flight simulator manual; 1 Air Division, issues on the authority of the officer commanding Operating manual for AN/ART-13 airborne equipment. Standard aircraft handbook; second edition, eighth printing - 1968 Fokker F-27 checklist (Dart 6 engines) d.d. 1-2-1968 Maintenance and overhaul manuals air/fuel heat exchanger type D291-2A Fokker 'Friendship' approved by the Air Registration Board d.d. 1-10-1959. Marston Excelsior Ltd. F-27 checklist F 27 Dart Mk. 511, kant 1: pre-flight check (cockpit) 1-3-1960, kant 2: normal procedures issue 4, 15-2-1960. Vliegerchecklist: Normal procedures Fokker S.14 en Emergency procedures Fokker S.14 Vastgesteld door de Chef van de Luchtmachtstaf bij beschikking nr. 126807S d.d.26 januari 1962 Fokker S.14 pilot's notes Vastgesteld door de Chef van de Luchtmachtstaf bij beschikking Nr. 125761G d.d. 9 augustus 1962 Onderdelenlijst S-14.1 "Mach-Trainer" Inspectie-Schema S-14.1 "Mach-Trainer" Handboek S-14.1 "Machtrainer"