NATO handbook / [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Interim report of the Sub-committee on conventional defence : new patterns of European security collaboration / co-rapporteurs Jaime Gama, Rafael Estrella ; North Atlantic Assembly. … Exchange of information on defence planning 2000 - 2004 : pursuant to Vienna document 1999 : Kingdom of the Netherlands / Organization for Security and … NATO defense college : a study on its concept and evolution / by J. Davaux european cooperation fund Arms control and disarmament / Frans Alting von Geusau European defense transportation association : a proposal for an effective organization of the European transport system in times of disaster and war / by K.C.A. … future of the Netherlands defence effort : findings and recommendations : report to the Government of the Netherlands / The Commission of Civilian and Military … defence, technology and the western alliance requirements of military technology in the 1970s / Kenneth Hunt Welvaartsniveau en defensie uitgaven / K.A.M. Bogaert verslag van de handelingen der staten-generaal. zitting 1967/68 Nota inzake het NAVO- en het defensiebeleid, 1968 / [aangeboden door W. den Toom en J.M.A.H. Luns] defence, technology and the western alliance European armaments base : a survey / C.J.E. Harlow defence, technology and the western alliance implications of a European system for defence technology / Alastair Buchan