How to control the military / John Kenneth Galbraith hydrogen bomb and international control : technical and background information / publ. by Joint Committee on Atomic Energy ; chairman B. McMahon Bibliography on arms control verification: second update Drone warfare : killing by remote control / Medea Benjamin ; [foreword by Barbara Ehrenreich] purse and the sword : control of the army by congress through military appropriations 1933-1950 / Elias Huzar studies in public administration American democracy and military power : a study of civil control of the military power in the United States / Louis Smith ; [forew. by … Control service for Germany / Control Commission, Military Governement in Germany Military expenditure limitation for arms control : problems and prospects : with a documentary history of recent proposals / Abraham S. Becker harmonie papers Romania's civil-military transition : democratising civilian control / by Adriana Stanescu Handleiding controle militair verkeer. VS 19-4 Handleiding controle militair verkeer. VS 19-4 Military Police Traffic Control. FM 19-25