Dolk met ruitvormige greep en peervormige greepknop, betreft vermoedelijk een landknechtsdolk Zwaard, anderhalfhander, 1350-1425 Dolk met pareerschijf 1475-1525 Dolk plains of Mars : European war prints, 1500-1825, from the collection of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation / James Clifton and Leslie M. Scattone with … Atlas de la baionette de collection : Le nouvel ABC [Tome 3] / Jean-Pierre Vial Collier's new photographic history of the world's war : including sketches, drawings and paintings made by artists at the front / Photographs by the official … Canadian soldier in North-West Europe, 1944-1945 / Jean Bouchery ; computer graphics and maps by Jean-Marie Mongin ; translated from the French by Alan McKay Allies in battledress : French, Belgians, Dutch, Polish, Czechs, Norwegians and Danish / Jean Bouchery ; computer graphics by Jean-Marie & Jean-Baptiste Mongin, André Jouineau … Government issue : U.S. Army European Theater of Operations collector guide : volume 2 / Henri-Paul Enjames Government Issue : U.S. Army European theater of operations collector guide : volume 1 / Henri-Paul Enjames wallace collection catalogues European arms and armour : text with historical notes and illustrations / James Gow Mann