Ceremonie met vaandeloverdracht Grenadiers te Waalsdorp Abbildung vnd Repraesentation Der Fürstlichen Inventionen, Auffzüge, Ritter- Spiel, auch Ballet, So in des Durchleuchtigen, Hochgebornen Fürsten vnd Herren, Herren Johann Georgen, Fürsten zu Anhalt, … Order of ceremony at the unveiling of the Groesbeek memorial to officers and men of the Commonwealth, by His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, … Ceremonie-order Afscheid Dienstplichtigen op 22 augustus 1996 op de Trip van Zoudtlandtkazerne te Breda / Koninklijke Landmacht, Landmachtstaf illustrated London news record of the coronation service and ceremony : King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra (June 26, 1902) Drill regulations for mountain artillery household cavalry : on ceremonial occasions / by Henry Legge-Bourke brigade of guards : on ceremonial occasions / by Henry Legge-Bourke British Commonwealth air training plan 1939-1945 : an historical sketch and record of the ceremony at R.C.A.F. Station Trenton pamphlet Officers ceremonial dress and table and guide to the correct order of dress / War Office - Engeland Voorschrift, 54/Officers/4087 WO Code No.10702 training regulations Cavalry : ceremonies and inspections / prep. under direction of the Chief of Cavalry - United States War Department Training Regulations TR 425-130 Drill and Ceremonies. FM 22-5