Flieger-Ritter-Helden : mit dem Haifischgeschwader in Frankreich und ander Kampfberichte / Benno Wundshammer united states strategic bombing survey effects of strategic bombing on German morale : II: Morale Division : Dates of survey: March-July, 1945 united states strategic bombing survey effects of strategic bombing on German morale : Vol. I oorlogsdomein Vergelding : roman / Gert Ledig ; met een naw. van Volker Hage ; vert. [uit het Duits] door Peter Claessens ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books Condor Legion / Peter Elstob ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii . campaign books Bomber offensive : the devastation of Europe / Noble Frankland Stuttgart : bevor Hitler sagte: "Wir werden ihre Städte ausradieren" und nachher = Stuttgart : before Hitler said: "We shall erase their cities" and afterwards … fortress europe Hitler's V-weapon sites / Philip Henshall