Field artillery : tactics and technique of division artillery and higher artillery echelons - USA War Department Field Manual, FM 6-100 Orientation for artillery - USA Voorschrift, Technical Manual, 44-225 Veldartillerie. Tactiek en Techniek. VR 6-20 Field Artillery. Tactics and Technique. FM 6-20 Field Artillery. Tactics and Techniques. FM 6-20 Manual of Artillery Survey. Part I, 1932 Text Book of Ballistics and Gunnery. Part II. Section III. Theoretical Principles of Gun Construction. 1941. WO 729 Field Artillery. Tactics and Technique. FM 6-20 Artillerie Tactiek en Techniek. VR 6-20 Veldartillerie. Tactiek en Techniek. VR 6-20