osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's Egyptian Campaigns, 1798-1801 / text by Michael Barthorp ; colour plates by Gerry Embleton osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's marshals / text by Emir Bukhari ; colour plates by Chris Warner osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's Italian and Neapolitan troops / text by Otto von Pivka ; colour plates by Mike Chappell osprey military men-at-arms series Prussian cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars : 1807-15 / Peter Hofschröer ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten osprey military men-at-arms series Prussian cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars : 1792-1807 / Peter Hofschröer ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's German allies : Bavaria / Otto von Pivka ; ill. by Richard Hook Tableaux, coiffures, shakos, chapeaux, casques...gibernes, sabretaches, miniatures, cuivreries... armes blanches époque révolutionnaire et impériale, armes à feu / Fraysse & Associés men-at-arms series Wellington's infantry (1) men-at-arms series Napoleon's light infantry / text by Philip Haythornthwaite / colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Wellington's Highlanders / Stuart Reid ; illustrated by B. Fosten men-at-arms series Austrian auxiliary troops 1792-1816 / text by Dave Hollins ; colour plates by Bill Younghusband men-at-arms series Flags of the Napoleonic Wars / text by Terence Wise ; colour plates by Guido Rosignoli ; ed. Martin Windrow