NATO story / by James Robert Huntley ; with preface by Paul-Henri Spaak international conciliation future of NATO / Alastair Buchan strategy papers Nuclear weapons and the Atlantic Alliance / by Wynfred Joshua Nato shield of freedom Military Committee of the North Atlantic Alliance : a study of structure and strategy / Douglas L. Bland ; forew. by Robert S. Jordan mens tegen de oorlog : het is gebeurd in Bonn, New-York, Stockholm, Leningrad, Moskou, Minsk, Wenen... / Pavel Naoemov atlantic policy studies Atlantic idea and its European rivals / Harold van B. Cleveland ; [forw. by Charles M. Spofford] atlantic policy studies troubled partnership : a re-appraisal of the Atlantic alliance / by Henry A. Kissinger publications of the council on foreign relations NATO and the future of Europe / by Ben T. Moore ; forew. by William C. Foster