family survival handbook / by Martin A. Smith and William E. Eliason new dimension in political thinking / William J. Thorbecke Know your enemy / by Delia S. Mares ; forew. by William J. Donovan nuclear revolution in Soviet military affairs / transl. [from the Russian] and ed., with introd. and commentary by William R. Kintner and Harriet Fast Scott Midcentury journey : the western world through its years of conflict / William L. Shirer U.S. Marine Corps aircraft 1914-1959 / by William T. Larkins minerva series of students' handbooks history of postwar Russia / R.W. Pethybridge Poland : phoenix in the East : a survey of modern times / William Woods Untangling the cold war : a strategy for testing rival theories / [by] William A. Gamson [and] Andre Modigliani groot spionnenboek / H. Keith Melton ; voorw. door William Colby en Oleg Kalugin ; [vert. uit het Engels: Studio Imago, Ellen Segeren] Pictorial history of the RAF / John William Ransom Taylor : Vol. 3: 1945-1969 party connection / by William E. Odom