witte raven 85 dagen : de slag om de Schelde / R.W. Thompson ; [vert. uit het Engels door C.H. Hoeksma] document Investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack / report of the Joint Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack [chairman Alben W. Barkley], Congress … prisma-boeken In het kamp van de Jappen / William Allister ; [vert. uit het Engels door Chr. Hilsum-Beuckers] great globe itself : a preface to world affairs / by William C. Bullitt history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Coal / by W.H.B. Court history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Contracts and finance / William Ashworth united states army in world war ii procurement and training of ground combat troops / Robert Roswell Palmer, Bell I. Wiley and William R. Keast united states army in world war ii Chronology, 1941-1945 [of the United States army in World War II] / by Mary H. Williams I was there : the personal story of the chief of staff to presidents Roosevelt and Truman, based on his notes and diaries made at … reddingsboot : het drama van het s.s. 'Rooseboom' / Walter Gibson ; [vert. uit het Engels door Thomas Rap] ; met commentaar van C. van … Berlin diary : the journal of a foreign correspondent, 1934-1941 / [by] William L. Shirer collapse of the Third Republic : an inquiry into the fall of France in 1940 / by William L. Shirer