Shows how well they march Shows how well they march Portert van een onbekende bij kanon Beëdiging van 10 KRA officieren in kleine tenue Portret van een kolonel artillerie zittend op een stoel met sabel - Cartes-de-visite gemaakt door Albert Greiner, te Amsterdam Luitenant-generaal van het KNIL, K. van der Heijden, Ridder Militaire Willems-Orde 2e klasse Officier van de cavalerie te paard Militairen trekken met paarden en wagens door nat terrein A scene during the new advance. Keeping the guns well supplied. Taking up ammunition over the shell-pocked ground during the recent stormy weather Blindfolding a Turk before he is taken through our trenches on the Jebel Hamarin. "Johnnie Turk" is always well guarded by the Tommy Wells in Palestine. During the Turkish occupation, guards were placed over all wells to prevent the inhabitants from drawing water. Since our advance, we also … Going his last look round at night. Seeing if all is well in a dug-out in a support line