field survey pamphlet use of oblique air photographs / prep. under the dir. of the Chief of the Imperial General Staff ; [issued by the War Office] Britse troepen bevrijden Eindhoven - British troops liberate Eindhoven - British Official Photograph, serie B Advanced map and aerial photograph reading - USA Voorschrift, Field Manual, 21-26 Advanced map and aerial photograph reading - USA Basic Field Manual, FM 21-26 g.s. publication interpretation of air photographs 1943 Artillery training : Air photographs and their technical application to gunnery / War Office. Vol III: Field gunnery Poolse troepen vieren hun nationale onafhankelijkheidsdag in noord west Europa - Polish troops celebrate their National Independence Day in N.W. Europe - British Official Photograph, … Edmund Seyd leent een boek uit - British troops have mobile library in the front line - British Official Photograph, serie B Britse soldaten in de rij voor de bibliotheekbus - British troops have mobile library in the front line - British Official Photograph, serie B Na vier jaar wordt wapenstilstandsdag in Brussel gevierd - Armistice day celebration in Brussels after four years - British Official Photograph, serie B wapenstilstandsviering in Brussel - Remembrance festival in Brussels - British Official Photograph, serie B Een britse soldaat nabij de kolenmijncentrales van Geilenkirchen - British troops drive on into Germany: first pictures from Geilenkirchen area - British Official Photograph, serie …