humrro. technical report Performance evaluation of light weapons infantrymen (MOS 111.0), graduates of the advanced individual training course (ATP 7-17) / by T.F. Nichols, J.S. Ward, N.I. Fooks, … army lineage series Armor-cavalry / Mary Lee Stubbs : Pt. 1: Regular army and army reserve International politics in northeast Asia : the China-Japan-United States strategic triangle / Thomas L. Wilburn Program of instruction : Infantry motor transportation course : MOS: 0600 and 0605 / United States Army Infantry School Program of instruction : Infantry counterfire supervision and equipment operation course : MOS: 113.1 and 113.6 / United States Army Infantry School Program of instruction : Infantry field grade officer refesher course : MOS: none / United States Army Infantry School officer's guide : a ready reference on customs and correct procedures which pertain to commissioned officers of the army of the United States Infantry communication data army almanac : a book of facts concerning the United States army Artillery handbook United States Army occupational handbook : a manual for civilian guidance counselors and students / published by Department of the Army, office of the adjudant … security of the nation : a study of current problems of national defense / Association of the United States Army [pres.: A.J. Drexel Biddle]