Camps of instruction ... : reports of officers of the United States Army When do I go home? Demobilization Program. Met op de keerzijde o.a. Shoulder insignia of United States Army Combat Divisions. Newsmap, volume IV, No. 23F The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde German Army Uniforms and Insignia. Newsmap, volume 1, No. 43 The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde German Army Uniforms. Newsmap, volume II, No. 40F The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde Jap Army Uniforms. Newsmap, volume II, No. 42F The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde Luftwaffe Uniforms (German Air Force). Newsmap, volume II, No. 46F The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde German Navy Uniforms and Insignia. Newsmap, volume 1, No. 46 The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde Italian Navy Uniforms and Insignia. Newsmap, volume 1, No. 40 The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde Soviet Infantry. Newsmap, volume 1, No. 41 Instructions for American servicemen in France during World War II Baking manual for the army cook : including instructions on using lard as a shortening in baking and for deep-fat frying and panfrying / [prepared … Use and care of your fragmentation protective body armor / United States Army Natick Laboratories