Tempeertoestel M38, opgeborgen in zwarte kunststof kist waarin snoeren, voor instellen van nucleaire projectielen military collections of the world US Army Ordnance Museum Aberdeen / text P. Skulski ; photos B. Bercarz, A. Juszczak, R. Pÿðeczkowski ; ed. in chief Roger Wallsgrove ; transl. … united states army in world war ii employment of negro troops / by Ulysses Lee ; United States Army, Office of the chief of military history special regulations Military terms, abbreviations, and symbols : dictionary of United States army terms United States Army in the world war 1917-1919 : Early military operations of the American expeditionary forces / Department of the Army. Historical Division Heavy weapons company infantry regiment / Department of the Army - USA Field Manual, FM 7-15 contributions in military studies United States Army and the motor truck : a case study in standardization / Marc K. Blackburn united states army in world war ii Corps of Engineers : the war against Japan / by Karl C. Dod united states army in world war ii Cross-channel attack / by Gordon A. Harrison united states army in world war ii Washington command post : the operations division / by Ray S. Cline united states army in world war ii Logistical support of the armies / by Roland G. Ruppenthal united states army in world war ii Chief of staff : prewar plans and preparations / by Mark Skinner Watson