Tempeertoestel M38, opgeborgen in zwarte kunststof kist waarin snoeren, voor instellen van nucleaire projectielen annual reports of the war department Annual report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for the year ... Camps of instruction ... : reports of officers of the United States Army Staff manual United States army : ... / [prep. by the General Staff of the Army] military collections of the world US Army Ordnance Museum Aberdeen / text P. Skulski ; photos B. Bercarz, A. Juszczak, R. Pÿðeczkowski ; ed. in chief Roger Wallsgrove ; transl. … soldier's handbook for use in the army of the United States New drill regulations United States Army : FM 22-5, leadership, courtesy, and drill (revised), including U.S. rifle caliber .30 MI, U.S. carbines caliber .30 MI, … Executive corridor / [United States Army. Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff] united states army in world war ii employment of negro troops / by Ulysses Lee ; United States Army, Office of the chief of military history United States Air Force : basic data officer's guide : a ready reference on customs and correct procedures which pertain to commissioned officers of the army of the United States Decorations United States Army 1862-1926