Longman history of the United States of America / Hugh Brogan Naval customs, traditions, and usage / Leland Pearson Lovette Executive corridor / [United States Army. Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff] Keeping the peace / The United States Navy , Naval History Division outline of American history / [prepared by Frances Friedman ; with the coll. of Wood Gray] Netherlands and the United States : a tale of two countries / by Hans Koning house committee print Medical care of veterans / printed for use of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs United States navy : American Revolution to Vietnam - a brief survey of influence on America`s history / E.M. Eller Uniforms of the United States Navy / Office of the Chief of Naval Operations . Naval History Division pocket book pocket history of the United States / Allan Nevins and Henry Steele Commager pictorial history of the United States Army in war and peace, from colonial times to Vietnam / Foreword by Harold K. Johnson battleship in the United States Navy