United States navy : American Revolution to Vietnam - a brief survey of influence on America`s history / E.M. Eller Civil war naval chronology, 1861-1865 / Navy Department. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Naval History Division ; pref. E.M. Eller Admiral's House and it's occupants / Navy Department, Naval History Division Landing-force manuel / U.S. navy Boat armament of the U.S. Navy / designed and executed under the direction of J.A. Dahlgren KILN certification / issued by the Army-Navy Civil Committee on Aircraft Design Criteria ; under the supervision of the Aeronautical Board war department pamphlet Escorting american war dead / War and navy departments searchlight in the U.S. Navy / by Ralph Kelly Aviation safety program / prepared by U.S. Naval Aviation Safety Center history of the Chaplain Corps, United States Navy / [compiled by] Clifford Merrill Drury Glossary of U.S. naval code words / prepared by the office of naval history, navy department : Navexos P-474 Rehabilitation of the amputee by the U.S. navy ; reprints from june 1945 and suppl. to march 1946, naval medical bulletin : (bureau of medicine …