baretgesp Argyll And Sutherland Higlanders (Princess Louise's) baretgesp Argyll Sutherland Highlanders History of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders 8th battalion, 1939-47 / Lt.-Col. A.D. Malcolm ; with a foreword by Major-General G.H.A. MacMillan terrain handbook Balikpapan (S.E. Borneo) / [intr. by R.K. Sutherland] Korps Mariniers : 1665 - 10 december - 1925 : beknopt overzicht uit officiëele gegevens / samengesteld door Wm. Sutherland short history of international affairs, 1920 to 1934 / by G.M. Gathorne-Hardy ; pref. by Eustace Percy men-at-arms series Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders / text by William McElwee; colour plates by Michael Roffe Wrakstuk vleugel Glenn Martin WH-3 "M-551" (M5115) terrain handbook Manokwari / [introd. by R.K. Sutherland] terrain handbook Morotai Island / [introd. by R.K. Sutherland] terrain handbook Schouten Islands : New Guinea / R.K. Sutherland terrain handbook Sorong area / [introd. by R.K. Sutherland]