signet books No time for sergeants / Mac Hyman officer's guide : a ready reference on customs and correct procedures which pertain to commissioned officers of the army of the United States soldier's handbook for use in the army of the United States u.s. army training manual First course in general education : elementary arithmetic teacher's manual basic training guide Leader's handbook / publ. at the US Army Infantry School Peaceful action : photographic memories of anonymous occupation soldiers in Europe c. 1946 = Mirnoe dejstvie : fotograficeskie vospominanija bezymjannych okkupacionnych soldat v Evrope v … Terug uit de hel / door Audie Murphy ; vert. van J.F. Kliphuis da pam Soldier shows script folio no. 2 / Cyril P. Heiman Soldiers and Strikers / by Vincent Pinto American soldier : Set No. 1 American soldier