Departure of the Commander in Chief - Pictures illustrating the reception to the Commander in Chief Sir E.H.H. Allonby in Jerusalem - Egyption official photograph … The king & queen being directed to the royal stand by general Sir Archibald Hunter - Royal visit to military sports & fete at Aldershot Visit of the North Atlantic Council 1st & 2nd May 1986 hosted by the commander-in-chief fleet, admiral sir Nicholas Hunt - Visite du conseil de … Admiraal Sir John Jellicoe Door den Britschen Gezant te Den Haag Sir Charles Mar... den officieren van het Engelsche Eskader woensdagavond ... tuinfeest aangeboden. Op onze foto 2e persoon … Wilhelmina verwelkomt Juliana terug in Engeland Christison en Leese kijken naar Buthidaung - Lieut.general Sir Oliver Leese on 14th army front - British Official Photograph, serie SEU Lieutenant general Sir Oliver Leese shakes hands with lieutenant Joseph Lthirad - Lieut.general Sir Oliver Leese on 14th army front - British Official Photograph, serie … De Britse generaal Sir James Marshall-Cornwall inspecteert Turkse troepen op het treinstation in Ankara Prins Bernhard op bezoek bij de Prinses Irene Brigade in Wolverhampton, Engeland Prins Bernhard op bezoek bij de Prinses Irene Brigade in Wolverhampton, Engeland De commandant van de troepen in de mediterranee bezoekt het marinehospitaal in Alexandrië - Mediterranean C-IN-C visits naval hospital at Alexandria - British Official Photograph, …