Five years NATO : special N.A.T.O. issue under the auspices of the Royal Netherlands Association "Our army" / chief ed.: H.J. Kruls Royal hunting : from the collections of The State Historical Museum, The State Tretyakov Gallery, The Moscow Kremlin State (Historical and Cultural) Museum and Grounds, … encyclopedie van tanks : de geillustreerde geschiedenis en een uitgebreid overzicht van tanks uit de hele wereld, met meer dan 500 foto's van historische en … Royal Armoury in the cellar vaults of the Royal Palace / Ann Grönhammar and Sofia Nestor ; photography: Göran Schmidt distinctions honorifiques de la collection Brouwet au Museé Royal de l'Armée Bruxelles. De eervolle onderscheidingen van de verzameling Brouwet in het Koninklijk Legermuseum te Brussel … Firearms of the Royal Armouries II : / Nils Drejholt Warfare and the age of printing : catalogue of early printed books from before 1801 in Dutch military collections with analytical bibliographic descriptions of 10,000 … history of the castle of Breda, the Royal Netherlands Military Academy and the Huis van Brecht / [texts Wim Klinkert ; ed. Public Information Office … No 230 Squadron Royal Air Force : kita chari jauh - we search far / Guy Warner mededelingen van het rðksmuseum voor volkenkunde Royal cabinets and auxiliary branches : origins of the National Museum of Ethnology, 1816-1883 / Rudolf Effert ; [transl. from the Dutch Nola Caffey] War-booty : a common European cultural heritage : an international symposium at the Royal Armoury 29-31 May, 2008 / [ed. by Sofia Nestor] rusi defence studies series future of the Atlantic alliance / Christopher Coker ; foreword by Laurence Martin