Gebogen roodbruin indelingsembleem tbv ''Royal Army Medical Corps'' (Groot-Brittannië), met witte kapitale letters ''R.A.M.C.'' Messing schouderembleem tbv ''The Royal Ordnance Corps'' (Groot-Brittannië), met banderollen aan onderzijde waarop ''ROYAL CORPS ARMY ORDNANCE'' Pamphlet no. 39 B. Combined Operatios. Royal Army Medical Corps. (Based on 1942 organization of Field Medical Units). WO 7853 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1020 Pamphlet no. 39 B. Combined Operations. Royal Army Medical Corps. WO 7853 - Engeland Voroschrift 26/GS Publications/1020 War Equipment Table for Headquarters, Infantery Divisional Artillery or Army Group, Royal Artillerie - Engeland Voorschrift Stage Centre / The Staff Band of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps Fanfare. The journal of Kneller Hall, home of military music. no. 1, etc. Summer 1968, etc Royal Army Service Corps. Training. Petroleum Containers. WO Code No 867/47 - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Trg PUblications/1894