encyclopedie van tanks : de geillustreerde geschiedenis en een uitgebreid overzicht van tanks uit de hele wereld, met meer dan 500 foto's van historische en … Military Training Pamphlet. no. 34. Part 4. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapon Training. Fire Tactics for Tank Commanders and Troop Leaders Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 3. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. 75 mm. Gun. (M.2 and M.3) Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 8. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. Heavy Machine Gun. (BESA 15 mm. Mark I) Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 14. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. Ordnance Q.F. & S.A. 6-Ponder Gun Military Training Pamphlet. no. 60. Part 1. Royal Armoured Corps. The tactical employment of Armoured Car and Reconnaissance Regiments. General principles regarding the tactical employment … Royal Armoured Corps / prep. for the War Office by Frank Owen and H.W. Atkins Tank museum guide : an illustrated record of the development of the British tank military training pamphlet Royal armoured corps : weapons Royal armoured corps : weapons : Ordnance Q. F. and S.A. 2-Pr. marks IX and X (or IX A and X A) Royal armoured corps : weapons : Crusader tank (I and II) and covenanter tank Royal armoured corps : weapons : Churchill I-II-III