Steelhandgranaat, Duits model 24 Antipersoneelsmijn, oefenmortiermijn, Duits model S-Mine 35 history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series administration of war production / J.D. Scott and Richard Hughes studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare time of silence : civil war and the culture of repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945 / Michael Richards "Ik was 20 in '45" : België en de Tweede Wereldoorlog : het boek van de tentoonstelling / uitgegeven door Luc De Vos, Patrick Lefèvre, … arbo kanon / Willem Wittkampf ; geïll. door Fiep Westendorp Japanese generals : 1926-1945 / Richard Fuller Warschau-concert (1941) - Dangerous Moonlight (1941) aircam aviation series Sharkmouth 1916-1945 / ill. and comp. by Richard Ward popular library Guadalcanal diary / Richard Tregaskis ; [forew. by General A.A. Vandegrift] Two centuries of warfare / [by] Christopher Chant, Richard Holmes, William Koenig Kampfgeschwader Edelweiss :The history of a German bomber unit / Wolfgang Dierich : [transl. by Richard Simpkins]