Embleem (Amerika), van 2e bataljon 38e infanterie regiment, met schedel en pijl Schildvormig geel indelingsembleem tbv ''14e Armor Cavalry Regiment'', met het motto: ''SUIVEZ-MOI'' old guard : history of the third infantery regiment department of the army field manual,field manual Rifle company, infantry regiment / Department of the Army Heavy weapons company infantry regiment / Department of the Army - USA Field Manual, FM 7-15 Corps of engineers / War Department : Combat regiment - The platoon and the company - USA Voorschrift, Training Regulations, No. 445-18 Cannon Company, Intanfry Regiment. - USA Voorschrift Field Manual 7-37 training regulations Cavalry : the cavalry regiment / prep. under direction of the Chief of Cavalry - United Staten War Department Training Regulations TR 425-55 field manual infantry field manual, Headquarters company, intelligence and signal communication, rifle regiment / prepared under direction of the Chief of Infantry training regulations Cavalry : the service troop, regiment / prep. under direction of the Chief of Cavalry - United States War Department Training Regulations TR 425-100 Gunnery instruction memorandum : Survey plans and procedures in the field artillery battalion and regiment Troop Leading and Staff Functioning of the Infantry Battalion and Regiment