cornell studies in security affairs Uncovering ways of war : U.S. intelligence and foreign military innovation, 1918-1941 / Thomas G. Mahnken Command culture : officer education in the U.S. Army and the German Armed Forces, 1901-1940, and the consequences for World War II / Jörg Muth cornell studies in security affairs Storm of steel : the development of armor doctrine in Germany and the Soviet Union, 1919-1939 / Mary R. Habeck university of chicago war papers Americans and the world-crisis / Albion W. Small oxford pamfletten over wereldaangelegenheden oorzaken van den oorlog / door E.L. Woodward Recueil de résolutions de la Société des Nations et d'autres documents officiels relatifs au conflit Sino-Japonais Verslag van de Commissie tot Bestudeering van Staatsrechtelijke Hervormingen, ingesteld bij gouvernementsbesluit van 14 september 1940, No. 1x/KAB : Indië's wenschen / F.H. Visman Pictorial history of tanks of the world, 1915-45 / Peter Chamberlain & Chris Ellis horse soldier, 1776-1943 : the United States cavalryman : his uniforms, arms, accoutrements, and equipments / by Randy Steffen ; illustrations by Randy Steffen King's Army : its story in word and picture / ed. Clarence Winchester Beginnings of the Gestapo system : the Bavarian model in 1933 / Shlomo Aronson short history of international affairs, 1920 to 1934 / by G.M. Gathorne-Hardy ; pref. by Eustace Percy