Louis Dutchesse of Portsmouth & Dobingme pitkin pride of britain books Portsmouth Royal Naval Museum / [by A.J. Pack and S.G. Clark] Torpedoes and torpedo warfare containing a complete and concise account of the rise and progress of submarine warfare also a detailed description of all matters … Nordenfelt machine guns described in detail and compared with other systems; also their employment for naval and military purposes H.M.S. Victory : guide officiel et brève histoire du baton war-ships of Europe : being the substance of a work recently published in America : and containing a description of the construction, armour, and fighting … Artillery : its progress and present position / E.W. Lloyd and A.G. Hadcock artillerie mededeelingen Rapporten betreffende het bezoek aan den Japanschen gepantserden kruiser Tsukuba te Vlissingen op 8 juli 1907 en de reis naar Portsmouth in augustus 1907 / … Operation Overlord 1944-1984 : the story of the allied invasion of Normandy D-Day, June 6, 1944 / ed. by Mark Newman Koningin Wilhelmina in Portsmouth - Queen Wilhelmina at Portsmouth - British Official Photograph, serie A