osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's Italian and Neapolitan troops / text by Otto von Pivka ; colour plates by Mike Chappell osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's German allies : Bavaria / Otto von Pivka ; ill. by Richard Hook armeen und waffen Napoleons Verbündete in Deutschland : Nassau und Oldenburg / Farbtafeln von G.A, Embleton / Otto von Pivka armeen und waffen Napoleons Verbündete in Deutschland : Westfalen und Kleve-Berg / Farbtafeln von Michael Roffe / Otto von Pivka men-at-arms series Napoleon's German allies : 5: Hesse / text by Otto von Pivka ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten men-at-arms series Dutch-Belgian troops of the Napoleonic Wars / text by Otto von Pivka ; colour plates by Chris Warner