Technology in war : the impact of science on weapon development and modern battle / Kenneth Macksey becoming modern : new nineteenth-century studies Napoleonic friendship : military fraternity, intimacy, and sexuality in nineteenth-century France / Brian Joseph Martin Great War in 1916 : a neutral's indictment / sixty cartoons by Louis Raemaekers ; with an appreciation by H. Perry Robinson and descriptive note … Great War : a neutral's indictment / one hundred cartoons by Louis Raemaekers ; with an appreciation by H. Perry Robinson and descriptive notes by … modern military series / ed. michael leitch Artillery : the big guns go to war / by Curt Johnson : introd. by Aram Bakshian studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare State, society, and mobilization in Europe during the First World War / edited by John Horne 1000£ Kopfpreis tot oder lebendig / Julius Lauterbach studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare War and remembrance in the twentieth century / ed. by Jay Winter and Emmanuel Sivan bibliothek moderner deutscher autoren Deutsche Humoristen / Otto Ernst, Otto Julius Bierbaum [und] Otto Erich Hartleben livre moderne illustré discours du docteur O'Grady / André Maurois ; bois de Gérard Cochet modernen Kriegsmethoden und der Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung : Dokumente der Internationalen Konferenz in Frankfurt a. M., am 4., 5. und 6. Januar 1929 / [bearb. … studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare Sites of memory, sites of mourning : the Great War in European cultural history / Jay Winter