dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / with notes by Nicholas Harris Nicolas dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / Nelson : Vol. 2.: 1795 to 1797 National Portrait Gallery Great Britain at War 1793-1815 Trafalgar: "This is too warm work, Hardy, to last long." oorlog : hoe wij er voor staan en wat wij deden / door Winston Spencer Churchill, Earl Kitchener en David Lloyd George ; redevoeringen gehouden … dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / Nelson : Vol. 1.: 1777 to 1794 dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / Nelson : Vol. 3: January 1798 to August 1799 dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / Nelson : Vol. 4: September 1799 to December 1801 dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / Nelson : Vol. 5: January 1802, to April 1804 dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / Nelson : Vol. 6: May 1804, to July 1805 dispatches and letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson / Nelson : Vol. 7: May 1804, to July 1805 Leven van Lord Horatio Nelson, Admiraal in Engelschen dienst, hertog van Bronte, ... / naar het Engelsch, met verm. en verb