Binoculars in the Army / by William Reid Some treasures of the National Army Museum Draaginsigne, ereteken voor gewonden "VERMINKT IN DE VERDEDIGING VAN 'T VADERLAND", onderofficieren en minderen, ingesteld 27 maart 1801 Scharfschützen vom 2., 3. und 4. Reg[imen]t (theils in alter, theils in neuer uniform). - Abbildungen der Uniformen aller Truppen in Hamburg seit den Jahren … Oliver Cromwell The Founder of The New Model Army 1599-1658, No. 1 - National Army Museum. Group 3. John Churchill 1st. Duke of Marlborough, No. 2 - National Army Museum. Group 3. National Army Museum Butterflies & bayonets : the soldier as collector / written by Elizabeth Talbot Rice and Marion Harding Central Museum of the Army / [preface Hocine Chiet] Victoria Crosses and George Crosses of the honourable East India Company & Indian Army, 1856-1945 1688 Glorious Revolution? : the fall and rise of the British Army 1660-1704 / ed. by Alan J. Guy and Jenny Spencer-Smith Encryptiemachine en vercijferapparaat Typex Mark II