Fundamentals of photograph conservation: a study guide / by Klaus B. Hendriks ; [in collab. with] Brian Thurgood ... [et al.] national archives publication : no. 46-4 Germany surrenders unconditionally : facsimiles of the documents national archives publication end of the war in the Pacific : surrender documents in facsimile Abstracts of defense regulations issues pursuant to the defense production act : through march 31, 1952 / National Archives and Records Service, Federal Register Division Napoleon's last will and testament : a facsimile edition of the original document, together with its codicils, appended inventories, letters and instructions, preserved in the … publications du musée national d'histoire et d'art luxembourg Luxembourg : ville ouverte 1867 / [en partenariat avec les Archives nationales de Luxembourg ; direction d'ouvrage: François Reinert ; auteurs: Änder Bruns, Simone Feis, … Footsteps and fingerprints : the legacy of a shared history / National Archives of The Netherlands, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency …