green beret : the story of the commandos 1940-1945 / Hilary St. George Saunders ; forew. by Mountbatten of Burma Report to the combined Chiefs of Staff by the Supreme Allied Commander South-East Asia 1943-1945 / Vice-Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma greatest raid of all / C.E. Lucas Phillips ; with forew. by Louis Mountbatten of Burma luitenant-generaal Daniel I. Sultan, commandant van Amerikaanse strijdkrachten in het India-Burma gevechtsgebied, overlegt in Myitkyina met Britse admiraal lord Louis Mountbatten, geallieerd Opperbevelhebber van Zuidoost … Post surrender tasks : section E of the Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff by the Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, 1943-1945 / …