vliegtuigen in gevecht Duitse straaljagerazen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog / [Hugh Morgan en John Weal] ; [vert. ILC Taleninstituut] vliegtuigen in gevecht Sovjet-azen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog / Hugh Morgan ; vert. Janet van der Lee-Harkink Triumph in the West : 1943-1946 : based on the diaries and autobiographical notes of Field Marshal, the Viscount Alanbrooke / Arthur Bryant turn of the tide, 1939-1943 : a study based on the diaries and autobiographical notes of Field Marshal the Viscount Alanbrooke / Arthur Bryant turn of the tide : 1939-1943 : a study based on the diaries and autobiographical notes of Field Marshal the Viscount Alanbrooke, K.G., O.M. / … Dutch Wings over Jackson: Royal Netherlands Military Flying School, Jackson Mississippi