Marlborough tapestries at Blenheim Palace : and their relation to other military tapestries of the War of the Spanish Succession / by Alan Wace Correspondance diplomatique et militaire du duc de Marlborough, du grand-pensionnaire Heinsius et du trésorier-général des Provinces-Unies, Jacques Hop, enrichie de plusieurs lettres du Comte d'Avaux, … werken correspondence 1701-1711 of John Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough and Anthonie Heinsius, grand pensionary of Holland / ed. by B. van 't Hoff Weapons and equipment of the Marlborough wars / Anthony Kemp ; line illustrations by John Mollo Compendious Journal of All the Marches, Famous Battles & Sieges (of Marlborough) special publication journal of Marlborough's campaigns during the war of the Spanish succession, 1704-1711 / by John Marshall Deane ; ed. and introduced by D.G Chandler