Cilindrisch etensblik met deksel en groen foedraal, vermoedelijk Noord-Korea Area study Republic of Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea / prep. by 96th Civil Affairs Group, Fort Lee, VA democratic people's republic of Korea is the banner of freedom and independence for our people and the powerful weapon of building socialism and communism : … Report on work of central committee to 5th congress workers' party of Korea : (november 2, 1970) / Kim Il Sung Compact disc categorie Noord-Korea korea policy series Tunnel to aggression no. 2 Selected works / Kim Il Sung North Korea's rejection of non-aggression agreement korea policy series Tunnel to aggression Koninklijke Marine in de Koreaanse oorlog 1950-1955 : waarin opgenomen Boeggolf voor Korea / samengest. door Cris Mark