Military swords of Japan, 1868-1945 / Richard Fuller and Ron Gregory ; line drawings by Richard Fuller Militaire blanke wapens van Japan : 1868-1945 / Imai Ikemori ; uitg. van de Study Group of all Japanese Military Culture] Opérations maritimes de la guerre russo-japonaise : historique officiel publ. par l'Etat-Major de la Marine Japonaise / [vert. uit het Japans in het Frans door … Van "incident" in China tot en met de capitulatie van Japan : kroniek van de oorlog in het Verre Oosten / [C. Brendel] Japan / by the editors of Fortune magazine Japans-Siamees woordenboek] Dai Nihon : Betrachtungen über Groß-Japans Wehrkraft, Weltstellung und Zukunft / von Karl Haushofer Japan in world politics / by K.K. Kawakami problem of Japan : a political study of Japan and of her relations with Russia, Great Britain, China, Germany, the United States, the British Colonies … schulungstafeln für politische erdkunde Japan / zsgest. von Joachim G. Boeckh Treaties between the Empire of China and foreign powers, together with regulations for the conduct of foreign trade, conventions, agreements, regulations, etc. / edited by … Chine ou Japon (1932-1933) / Pierre Lyautey