Vickers : a history / J.D. Scott britische Armee : 62 ausgewählte neue Fotos / bearb. von Captain J.R. Kennedy ; deutsch von Arthur Ehrhardt Chrome plating of barrels by the Heinrich Reining G.m.b.H. : report / by Major J.M. Crews and Mr. A.E. Kramer Engelsche stakingen in 1926 / door Jhr. J.A.I.H. Graafland elements of rifle shooting : dealing with the service rifle and open sight / by J.A. Barlow Pictorial history of the RAF / John William Ransom Taylor, P.J.R. Moyes Pictorial history of the RAF / John William Ransom Taylor : Vol. 1: 1918-1939 Head dress of the British Heavy Cavalry : Dragoon Guards, Household and Yeomanry Cavalry 1842-1934 paper on high-speed tool steel, its manufacture and use / read before The Coventry Engineering Society by J.M. Gledhill artillerie mededeelingen Rapport over een bezoek aan Engelschen oorlogsschepen ter reede Batavia door den toenmaligen Luitenant ter zee der 1e klasse W.J.G. Umbgrove en den Luitenant ter …