NATO story / by James Robert Huntley ; with preface by Paul-Henri Spaak Government issue : U.S. Army European Theater of Operations collector guide : volume 2 / Henri-Paul Enjames Government Issue : U.S. Army European theater of operations collector guide : volume 1 / Henri-Paul Enjames Hunger Winter : occupied Holland 1944-5 / Henri A. van der Zee Oorlogsdagboek van een Hollands meisje / C. Pothuis-Smit ; tekeningen van Anneke Polderman ; bandtekening van Hans Borrebach Kleine geschiedenis van den grooten oorlog (1939-1945) : kort overzicht van den Tweeden Wereldoorlog, aan Amerikaansche en Engelsche gegevens ontleend / door H.Ch.G.J. van der … Target Germany : the Army Air Forces' official story of the VIII Bomber Command's first year over Europe / [with a forew. by H.H. Arnold] Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial / American Battle Monuments Commission Mussolini : twilight and fall / by Roman Dombrowski ; transl. [from the Polish] and with a pref. by H. C. Stevens Atomic energy for military purposes : the official report on the development of the atomic bomb under the auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945 … great battles of World War II / Henry Maule boekenweek ronde van '43 / Henri Knap