Tempeertoestel M38, opgeborgen in zwarte kunststof kist waarin snoeren, voor instellen van nucleaire projectielen united states army in world war ii signal corps united states army in world war ii Lorraine campaign / by H.M. Cole ; [forew. by Harry J. Malony] united states army in world war ii Ordnance Department : planning munitions for war / by Constance Winsor McLaughlin Green, Harry C. Thomson and Peter C. Roots Memoires / Harry S. Truman : [Dl.1]: 1945, Het jaar der beslissingen comparative study of world war casualties : from gas and other weapons / prep. by Harry L. Gilchrist wereldmacht van het Witte Huis : de geheime documenten van Harry Hopkins, Roosevelts rechterhand / [door] Robert E. Sherwood ; geautoriseerde vert. van B. Koning united states army in world war ii Okinawa : the last battle / by Roy E. Appleman, James M. Burns, Russell A. Gugeler ... [et al.] ; [forew. by Harry J. Malony] united states army in world war ii Guadalcanal : the first offensive / by John Miller ; [forew. by Harry J. Malony] united states army in world war ii Ordnance Department : procurement and supply / by Harry C. Thomson and Lida Mayo united states army in world war ii Civil affairs : soldiers become governors / by Harry L. Coles and Albert K. Weinberg I was there : the personal story of the chief of staff to presidents Roosevelt and Truman, based on his notes and diaries made at …