Tempeertoestel M38, opgeborgen in zwarte kunststof kist waarin snoeren, voor instellen van nucleaire projectielen wereldmacht van het Witte Huis : de geheime documenten van Harry Hopkins, Roosevelts rechterhand / [door] Robert E. Sherwood ; geautoriseerde vert. van B. Koning united states army in world war ii Lorraine campaign / by H.M. Cole ; [forew. by Harry J. Malony] united states army in world war ii Ordnance Department : planning munitions for war / by Constance Winsor McLaughlin Green, Harry C. Thomson and Peter C. Roots Memoires / Harry S. Truman : [Dl.1]: 1945, Het jaar der beslissingen united states army in world war ii signal corps comparative study of world war casualties : from gas and other weapons / prep. by Harry L. Gilchrist united states army in world war ii Okinawa : the last battle / by Roy E. Appleman, James M. Burns, Russell A. Gugeler ... [et al.] ; [forew. by Harry J. Malony] united states army in world war ii Guadalcanal : the first offensive / by John Miller ; [forew. by Harry J. Malony] united states army in world war ii Ordnance Department : procurement and supply / by Harry C. Thomson and Lida Mayo united states army in world war ii Civil affairs : soldiers become governors / by Harry L. Coles and Albert K. Weinberg I was there : the personal story of the chief of staff to presidents Roosevelt and Truman, based on his notes and diaries made at …