department of defense intelligence product Small arms identification and operation guide : Eurasian communist countries / by Harold E. Johnson department of defense intelligence product Small arms identification and operation guide : free world / by Harold E. Johnson planning pamphlets Making Western Europe defensible : an appraisal of the effectiveness of United States policy in Western Europe / Theodore Geiger and H. van B. Cleveland atlantic policy studies Atlantic idea and its European rivals / Harold van B. Cleveland ; [forw. by Charles M. Spofford] Vliegende schotels in actie / Harold T. Wilkins ; geautoriseerde vertaling [uit het Engels] André E. Steentjes Ik was achter het ijzeren gordijn : Oost-Duitsland in de greep van het sovjetisme / Harold French ; [avis préliminaire de Henri de Greeve.] Team Yankee : World War III / written by Phil Yates ; assistant writers: Richard Chambers ; editors: Peter Simunovich, John-Paul Brisigotti ; inspired by …