Rieten hoed met zwart zijden lint waarop ''H.M.S. COCKATRICE'', marketentster Engelse Marine flottes cuirassées : manuel de l' artilleur de côte : Dl. 1 Angleterre, Atlas / par T.H.A. Tromp Manual of anti-aircraft defence (Army units) : War / War Office, Great Britain field survey pamphlet Machine computing / prep. under the direction of the Chief of the Imperial General Staff ; [issued by the War Office] field survey pamphlet Lithographic processes / prep. under the dir. of the Chief of the Imperial General Staff ; [issued by the War Office] literatuurrapporten Minderheden in de Amerikaanse en Britse krijgsmacht / A.Th.J. te Brake Patroontas Model 1937 van khaki webbing met drukknoopsluiting tbv Brits geweer Lee Enfield Nº 4, MK I (1944)