White arms of the Royal Armoury / Lena Nordström ; [transl. by Gordon Elliott ; photogr. Samual Asterborn ...[etc.]] princeton paperbacks Makers of modern strategy : from Machiavelli to the nuclear age / ed. by Peter Paret ; with the collab. of Gordon A. Craig and … Military origins / by Lawrence L. Gordon ; ed. by J.B.R. Nicholson changing map of Asia : a political geography / ed. W. Gordon East and O.H.K. Spate discussion books geography behind history / by Gordon East Makers of modern strategy : military thought from Machiavelli to Hitler / ed. by Edward Mead Earle ; with the collab. of Gordon A. Craig … Swedish weaponry since 1630 : army matériel during 350 years / Bengt M. Holmquist and Birger Gripstad ; Birger Rönnbäck, photographs ; Gordon Elliott, translation