Duitse gasmaskerbus, Model 1938 tbv Wehrmacht Heer (1943) Handgranaat No. 36 Mk I, 'Mill's' Schuilstad : bescherming van de bevolking tegen luchtaanvallen / Koos Bosma ; [fotogr. Anja de Jong ; tek. Cyane Conijn] semiotext(e) foreign agents series Terror from the air / Peter Sloterdijk ; transl. by Amy Patton and Steve Corcoran glider war / [by] James E. Mrazek Two centuries of warfare / [by] Christopher Chant, Richard Holmes, William Koenig Strategy & tactics of war / Ned Wilmott ; [edited by Will Fowler] Secret warfare : the arms and techniques of the resistance / [by] Pierre Lorain ; Engl. addap. by David Kahn Fight for the sky : the story of the Spitfire and Hurricane / Douglas Bader This is war! : Robert Capa at work / [text by] Richard Whelan ; [forew. by Willis E. Hartshorn ; introd. by Christopher Phillips] gebroken vleugel van de Duitse adelaar : inventarisatie van de Duitse verliezen in de luchtoorlog van mei 1940 boven Nederland / E.H. Brongers East Anglia at war, 1939-1945 / by Derek E. Johnson