Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden, in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee, en ontrent dezelve, gelegen: Waer onder de voornaemste Cyprus, Rhodus, Kandien, Samos, Scio, Negroponte, Lemnos, … World opinion on Cyprus / [comp. and ed. by George. G. Vassiliades] Cyprus : touchstone for democracy Cyprus question : discussion at the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation september-october 1958 nivv-reeks Cyprus, mislukte republiek / door C. J. Visser Dutchman looks at Cyprus / [by James H. Huizinga] Reizen Van Cornelis de Bruyn, Door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia, De Eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c. Mitsgaders de voornaamste Steden van … Why we are in Cyprus : background notes for British servicemen Terrorism in Cyprus : the captured documents / translated extracts issued by authority of the secretary of state for the colonies Cyprus and international peacemaking / Farid Mirbagheri Cyprus question : negotiations 4 october 1955 to 5 march 1956 problem of Cyprus / Zenon Rossides