strijd om Europa / Chester Wilmot ; [geaut. bew. en vert. uit het Engels door John Kooy] prisma-boeken Bommen op de Roerdam / Paul Brickhill ; [vert. uit het Engels door P.J.M. Boezeman-Droog] Danger in Kashmir / Josef Korbel ; with a forew. by C.W. Nimitz german trucks & cars in world war ii VW at war : Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen, & special vehicles / Michael Sawodny; [translated from the German by David Johnston] economic and social studies Lessons of the British war economy / ed. by D.N. Chester Afrika's uitdaging aan Amerika / Chester Bowles ; met een voorw. van Thomas K. Finletter ; vert. door Jan H. de Groot Leopard-family : an example of good family planning / Michael Scheibert ; [translated from German by Edward Force] Orders and directives : a manual for commanders, staff officers and nco's / by Arthur M. Chester and John E. Murray struggle for Europe / by Chester Wilmot united states army in world war ii Transportation Corps : movements, training, and supply / Chester Wardlow united states army in world war ii Transportation corps : responsibilities, organization, and operations / by Chester Wardlow united states army in world war ii Quartermaster corps : organization, supply and services / by Erna Risch