image of war, or service on the Chin Hills / A.G.E. Newland ; with an introd. historical note by J.D. Macnabb Illustrations of the modern Japanese army july 1942 / publ. by General Headquarters India, Military Intelligence Directorate Medical / Army Headquarters, India , Medical Division International Military Tribunal for the Far East : dissentient judgment / Radhabinod Pal Notes for officers : qualifying for the transport department in India / by P.R. Mockler Combined tactics : notes on the command of a mixed force Frontier warfare and bush fighting official account of the chitral expedition 1895 / comp. under the orders of the quarter master general in India by W.R. Robertson Field Service Regulation. Volume I. Organization and Administration, 1930. Additions for India - Engeland Voorschrift, MGS-F2 Army regulations, India Army in India and its evolution : including an account of the establishment of the Royal Air Force in India Amerikaanse aak in Calcutta vaart naar de wal, geladen met P-51 vliegtuigen die zojuist per vrachtschip gearriveerd zijn uit de Verenigde Staten